See review here:
Author: Julie
My story “Lela and Bat” appears in Broadswords and Blasters Issue Ten
“Lela and Bat” is about two bad-ass women scavengers trying to survive in the flooded remains of a Philadelphia destroyed by climate change. You can order the issue from Amazon here:
I review He, She, and It by Marge Piercy
Review here at Broadswords and Blasters

Want well-told action, suspense, nightmare fuel, swords, sorcery, and sci-fi?
Issue 9 ofBroadswords and Blastersis a compilation of remarkable stories by authors whose voices I really hope you’ll get to know. My personal favorite was C. W. Blackwell’s “Quarter Past Ordinary,” a really well-executed and tensely plotted story about a murderous, shape-changing, train stowaway. In “Griffon Eggs” by R.A. Goli, a woman makes terrible sacrifices for a magical cure. Goli is very skilled at created a sustained tone of dread throughout.In “Camera Obscura” by Rex Weiner, the mind behindThe (Original) Adventures of Ford Fairlane, a man intends to renovate a Mexican seaside mansion and becomes possessed by its past instead.”The Pole-House” by Ethan Sabatella involves a truly nightmarish device called a Scorn Pole, an animated horse skeleton atop a moving pole, tormenting some travelers. InCara Fox’s “The Corsair’s Daughter,” women are kicking ass and taking names; the story includes a pretty amazing action scene of a woman swinging through the air, rapier in hand, slicing the throats of wolves attempting to tear her apart as she goes. “Termination Clause” by Scotch Rutherford is hard-boiled gangster story.In”Old Haunting Grounds” by Matt Spencer, two swordsmen must fight off horrors including carnivorous, anthropomorphic bats. The story “Courtship of the Queen of Thieves” by Vince Carpini describes a flirtation between two clever fortune hunters, and in “Olympian Six” by Adam S. Furman: a group of augmented Marines engages in a firefight with a heavily fortified compound.

Any one of these stories is worth the price of admission. Buy Volume 9 and you get them all!
My story “The Transfer” appears in TERSE. Journal
My story appeared in TERSE. Journal back in April. You can read it here.

My short story “Evictions” to appear this fall in the TL;DR Women’s Anthology: Catching Fire
Find out info about TL;DR, a collective of new writers donating proceeds of sales to charity, here:
My short story “Shanghaied” appears in Halfway Down the Stairs
Super excited to have my short story “Shanghaied” appear in the September 2018 issue ofHalfway Down the Stairs.
Nasty! readings at Wooden Shoe Books, Tattooed Mom, and Bluestockings Bookstore
Nasty! is headed for the East Coast, with readings in Philly at Wooden Shoe Books June 6, Tattooed Mom June 7, and in Manhattan at Bluestockings Bookstore June 9. Woo!
Enjoy Michael Aronovitz’s new horror/metal series: #1 “The Sculptor” featuring Trivium.
The first one in the series features Trivium. Here’s an unrelated cat picture.
Read my story “The Shed” in the latest Weird Reader
You can read the story and order the anthology here.